Adding Users

Users added to ODK Central serve as administrators, who can upload and change forms and forms permissions. Adding ODK Collect users to each form is a different process, and will be covered later on.

To add new users to ODK Central, you must first create them in the Docker command line (there is a bug in ODK Central which means users cannot be added on the central site). Then you can change their roles and permissions on the ODK Central site.

  • Log into the EC2 server we installed and set up in a previous step.
  • Make sure you have logged onto the server as someone with administrative permissions.
  • Create a new user profile:
    docker-compose exec service odk-cmd --email user-create
  • You will be prompted to enter a password for the user.
  • The new user can now log onto ODK Central through the domain name that ODK Central was set up with.
  • To make the new user an administrator:
    docker-compose exec service odk-cmd --email user-promote

    The next section covers the ODK Central interface, and how to use it.

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This site serves as the technical documentation for the set up and use of ILRG's customary land documentation technology, an adaptation of USAID's MAST project.