Image Handling

Images are uploaded in ODK Forms, and are then processed and uploaded to the server through a set of SQL and shell scripts. Images are a key part of the georeferencing and documentation process, as pictures of map sheets submitted in forms are used to document parcels and shared resources.


  • Submissions data is pulled from ODK Central onto the update schema. The script first pulls data without images. Then for forms with images, the attachments (images) are pulled, zipped into a folder on the update schema, and then unzipped as a media folder and moved to a media folder on the server (/srv/media/fzs/formID).
    • The end of the file path, ‘formID’, changes based on the form.
  • Example for update_form_e1_demarcation (demarcation data):
    • Fetch form data, unzip, remove zip:
      curl -u > /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/
      unzip -o /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/ -d /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/
    • csvcut removes unneeded ODK Central fields from core and makes sure file is regular:
      csvcut -C SubmissionDate,start,my_form_name,text,village_name-searchtext,end,"meta-instanceID","meta-instanceName",SubmitterID,SubmitterName,AttachmentsPresent,AttachmentsExpected,Status,DeviceID,Edits /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/Demarcation.csv > /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/form_e1_demarcation_cut.csv
    • Pull new images from only last day and unzip onto the server so it can be accessed via a URL:
      curl -u > /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/
      unzip -n /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/ "media/*" -d /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/
      mv /home/ubuntu/fzs/form_e1_demarcation/media/* /srv/media/fzs/e1/

In update_form….sql scripts:

  • In each form where images are uploaded, the update sql scripts set the image URLs by concatenating the server address with the name of each image.
    • The images were moved onto the server in
  • For example, in update_form_e1_demarcation.sql, image URLs are created for witness, receipt and map sheet images:
    • Set image URLs where they exist:
      update update.form_e1_demarcation
      set witnesses_image = concat(''||witnesses_image)
      where length(witnesses_image) = 17;
      update update.form_e1_demarcation
      set receipt_image = concat(''||receipt_image)
      where length(receipt_image) = 17;
      update update.form_e1_demarcation
      set map_sheet_image = concat(''||map_sheet_image)
      where length(map_sheet_image) = 17;

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This site serves as the technical documentation for the set up and use of ILRG's customary land documentation technology, an adaptation of USAID's MAST project.